
Hello there, I’m Segun Akinyemi—pronounced sheh-goon ah-keen-yeh-mee—a Yoruba name that is, in truth, much longer (if you ever run into me, ask me my full name). This website is a place where I share my passions and interests, such as faith, technology, literature, entertainment, and more. I’m glad you’re here!

For a bit of background about me, I grew up in Seattle, Washington, but in 2014, I made my way to the American Midwest to attend Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. If you’re wondering how I ended up there, I’ll admit I didn’t exactly choose Lindenwood out of a sea of options. The truth is, the athletic scholarship they offered me was my only shot at being able to afford college. During my time there, I competed as a track & field athlete in the high jump while studying Computer Information Systems, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in 2018. Looking back, I truly believe my time at Lindenwood was divinely ordained. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was perfect for me at that time in my life, and I’m grateful for the experience. Shortly thereafter, I continued my education at Washington University in St. Louis, earning a Master of Science in Information Systems Management in 2020.

Now as a working professional, I’m a software engineer, but I like to style myself more broadly as an all-around tech enthusiast. I’m fascinated by technology and its ability to transform the world around us. I consider myself fortunate to have been born in our present era of computing innovation, problem-solving, and discovery. At the rate we’re advancing, it seems like Moore’s Law might just need an update! If you’re wondering what I’m up to career-wise, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Regarding my personal convictions, I strive to live in a way that emulates the character of Jesus Christ. His words guide my life, my definition of who I am, and my understanding of what’s truly important. I could speak at length on this topic, but this page is meant to be only a brief introduction, so I’ll refrain. Instead, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes below.

Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

All that being said, thanks for visiting. Feel free to explore!