Why I Love The Maze Runner

I discovered The Maze Runner while living in an overcrowded dorm with 5 roommates during my freshman year of college. Needless to say, I was in dire need of a hangout spot, and a time-consuming hobby, away from the confines of my room. Reading at length in the campus library provided me with just that. I’d pick up a book, find a comfortable nook, and post up for hours, reading as a form of much-needed escapism. My real life at the time was pretty rough, so novels, particularly in the young adult genre, were a place of refuge for me. In them, I found all sorts of heroes and captivating stories that helped me forget my troubles, if only temporarily, and also inspired me in so many ways.

The Maze Runner was one such novel that grabbed my attention. It was my first page-turner. I’d finish a chapter, make a half-hearted attempt to do something else, and end up picking it right back up, driven by a need to know what came next. The mystery of it all captivated me. From chapter to chapter, I was completely absorbed in the unpredictable journey of the protagonist Thomas, whose own confusion mirrored the chaos of the world around him. The campus library was my sanctuary at the time, and I remember hiding out from security just so I could keep reading well after the building had closed for the day. The spellbinding story made it all worthwhile.

These days, many may know The Maze Runner as a 2014 film directed by Wes Ball. I saw the film on its opening night and can attest to having no issues with it at the time. However, as the sequels were released, I soured on the film series overall. In general, they received mixed reviews from the fandom, but we’re not here to talk about Hollywood movies. This article’s all about books, specifically, the first book. I recently reread The Maze Runner and wanted to write the review I wish I had back when I first read it all those years ago. So here’s my crack at it.

P.S. If you haven’t seen the movies, don’t. At least not yet. Read the first book in the series and then decide if you’ll hop to the films or continue with the novels. Here’s a review of The Maze Runner to get you started.

Revisiting A Modern Classic

A thrilling journey through a world shattered by a lethal disease awaits in James Dashner’s post-apocalyptic young adult novel The Maze Runner. The protagonist, Thomas, and his group of friends, the Gladers, are caught in the crosshairs of the World in Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department (WICKED), an organization tasked with finding a cure for “the Flare” using inhumane methods. At the heart of the novel is the age-old question of whether the ends justify the means, as Thomas and the Gladers fight against WICKED’s notion that there are no limits to what they must do to save the world. The novel explores themes of courage, love, and determination, but the central conflict of humanity’s imminent demise is what drives the narrative forward.

From its opening pages, Dashner draws readers into a world of mystery. We follow Thomas as he finds himself in an enormous maze with no recollection of how he got there, or why it exists. Throughout the novel, readers are kept in suspense, unsure of what lies beyond the maze. As the story progresses, Thomas’s journey of discovery includes many twists and turns, but also a great deal of emotional depth that makes it easy to root for him and feel invested in the story. The relationships between Thomas and the supporting characters are expertly crafted, leading the reader to form their own opinions on who to trust and who not to trust. The book’s ending leaves you with a sense of resolution, but also raises questions about what seems to be an ever-expanding world of mystery. Thankfully, there are sequels!

All in all, The Maze Runner is a true page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. With a price tag of just $10 at most bookstores (or free from your local library), the novel is well worth the investment. For me, it was the first book I ever read that made me feel like I just couldn’t put it down. If you do end up reading it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!



